See for yourself what people are saying about We are The Bryants!

"My husband and I used The Love Battery book to enrich our marriage. We had read other marriage enrichment materials before but this was by far our favorite. The curriculum is not wordy. It is concise and to the point. Best of all there are numerous ways to apply the information. There are many helpful tools in the appendices meant to open up conversation between a husband and a wife. As a result we found ourselves moving towards common goals and truly began to focus on the direction of our future and our marriage. Strong marriages lead to strong families, so we highly recommend this book!"

- Nicole R.

"The Love Battery book was a timely tool for helping our marriage grow to a deeper level. My husband and I were able to understand each other’s top Battery Boosters and how to better communicate our emotions in a respectful way. We also learned to understand our marital roles and how to flow in them together. As a wife who had needed to feel like I was always in control, I finally learned to let my husband lead our household. After 23 years of marriage we realized we had neglected regular dates and vacations together. We were each headed in opposite directions with our busy schedules. As I watched my husband plan and take charge of our first vacation cruise, it felt as if we were renewing our wedding vows. We believe with all our heart that every married couple would do well to invest into their marriage (as well as into their family legacy) by reading and applying the principles in The Love Battery."

- Lori M.

"Our love batteries were dead, even after 44 years of marriage. The Love Battery was literally a Godsend to our dying relationship. Not only did the book help us understand the what that caused our marriage to die, but more importantly the why behind it and the how to begin to bring it back to life. The principles and tools outlined in this material are simple and highly applicable to everyday relational scenarios. If your marriage is already strong, this book will help to enhance your current level of intimacy as well as teach you how to keep each other fully charged. If you feel as if your marriage is derailing, this book can assist you in getting back on track. Pick up your copy today and begin to learn more effective ways to emotionally recharge each other for the long haul of marriage."

- Henry G.

"Kurt and Hollie have been a huge blessing to our marriage. They coached and mentored us before we were engaged, as well as into the first several years of our marriage. We have incorporated many of their Bible-based  wisdom strategies into our relationship, which have not only blessed us, but also our entire family. Recently we started financial coaching with them, which has set us up for tremendous success and growth together. As a result we have become much more disciplined with our money. We are beyond grateful for their guidance. "

- Nick and Yari A.

"I have been extremely blessed to have worked with We are The Bryants financial coaching. Since working Hollie's tailor made plan for me, I am now debt free and no longer use a credit card! She is so great to talk to, bounce ideas off of, and also very encouraging. As a result, I am more patient with myself and am reaching my personal and financial goals in a more incremental and balanced way. I highly recommend Hollie as a coach. I feel I have a new friend as well!"

- Megan H.

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