Kurt and Hollie Bryant are authors, coaches and speakers who specialize in Small Business Development, Personal Finance, Relational Enrichment and Fertility Support. Their mission is to revive the nuclear family for Jesus!


  • 818.317.2668
  • thelovebattery@gmail.com


"“Countless secular books on marriage, although well intentioned, tend to lean primarily on the personal philosophies of their authors. These books may result in big sales but produce little results for struggling spouses. The Love Battery unfolds powerful, proven, practical, Bible-based solutions that will give your marriage a solid track to run on. I agree with Kurt and Hollie’s belief that some marriages need restoration but ALL marriages need enrichment. If you and your life partner will commit yourselves to the principles in this book, you will take your marriage to the next level of intimacy.”


Dr. Robert Jeffress, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas, Fox News Contributor, Adjunct Professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and host of Pathway to Victory radio and television ministry

“Kurt and Hollie Bryant are not only amazing people but also an anointed couple. Their perspectives and revelations from God’s Word concerning marriage are powerful. The Love Battery can help you and your spouse walk through every storm with clarity and purpose for the future. The Bryants would be the first ones to tell you that looking back should never be an option and that a forward view should be your only view. God has an extraordinary plan for your marriage. We believe that while reading this book His plan can (and WILL) be revealed to you.”


Harry and Cheryl Salem, Evangelists, Speakers, Authors, President of Salem Family Ministries, Miss America 1980